An experience that will be cherished forever

Dr. Navin Sharma told his own story of success despite all odds.


Three renowned personalities were invited to Chelsea International Academy on September 30, 2013, as part of a program dedicated to inspiring students and boosting their morale. When I informed my parents about the program they were so excited to attend too but as they were outside the capital, they remarked me as saying your generations are lucky that you got a chance to study in such institution where such programs are valued to be organized, we till now at this age haven’t got a chance to attend any of its kind. The program especially benefited the seniors, who light find themselves in need of a little encouragement with the examinations approaching faster than anyone could wish they would. Following Swami Chandresh’s lecture on spirituality, Dr. Navin Sharma was introduced to the audience, which comprised high school pupils, teachers, and the administrative staff. After receiving a token of appreciation from the Principal, Founder Director Mr. Sudhir Kumar Jha, Dr. Sharma began his exuberant speech on the importance of inspiration, motivation, dreaming high, and self-improvement. Dr. Navin Sharma is a professor at the NAME Institute

Dr. Navin Sharma is a professor at the NAME Institute for Medical Education located in Kathmandu, and having taught more than 30,000 students in the course of a career that spans about 20 years, Dr. Sharma arguably knows firsthand, what separates the truly motivated from those just trying to get by. According to him, no-one should ever resign to tread the path of life choices that seems to have been laid out for them automatically. In fact, dreaming big — and sometimes even out landishing — dreams is what helped such charismatic people as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Ganesh Thapa to become great. Citing the example of Sir Edmund Hillary, Dr. Navin Sharma spoke about the importance of understanding that a person’s dreams are greater than the abilities that he or she possesses: Sir Edmund became the first human ever to climb Mt. Everest not because he had been absolutely sure that he could do it, but because he had dreamed of doing it.

Another remarkable instance occurred during Dr. Sharma’s speech when he asked the audience to close their eyes and remember the dearest people in their lives; he asked them to take a moment to realize that they were in this world due to a divine reason, and to promise themselves that they would leave it only when they succeeded in changing in. “I will do my best and not worry about the rest!” Exclaimed Dr. Navin Sharma enthusiastically, and everybody repeated those words after him.

Dr. Sharma went on to discuss why some people do great things while others do not. The reason, in his words, is that those who make huge accomplishments continue to view the world as a child does, never ceasing to ask questions, never allowing themselves to get tired, never caring about superficial differences between people, and most importantly, playing until they win. The problem lies in the simple fact that people’s dreams become exponentially smaller as they grow older, and so does their capacity for creativity.

The question of how to choose what to study, one that most of the students who were present at the program will have to answer within a couple of years, was also addressed by Dr. Sharma in his speech. He said that the scope is not something that should be paid much attention to when deciding on what one is going to study or the field in which one is going to build a career, as it is the people who create scope.

More practical advice came from Dr. Sharma as he urged every member of the audience to do three things, the first being to write down their goals and to magnify what they think they need 100 times. Secondly, he asked everybody to always remember to visualize their dreams, as it is of utmost importance to do so: Only after visualizing what they want can people find out if their goals really attract them. Finally, he asked everyone to write down how they were going to achieve the set goals because people only begin noticing things they need when they have a target. Dr. Sharma also warned that habits can wreak havoc on any person’s plans; therefore, it is important to modify one’s habits, at the same time learning to accept failure gracefully.

Next, Dr. Navin Sharma asked the audience to tell him via a show of hand how important they thought facilities, hard work, and talent were. Contrary to what many people present there thought, Dr. Sharma said that hard work actually meant very little — what others see as hard work should be fun for the person doing it, and hard work is merely something that a person has not learned how to do properly yet. Furthermore, motivation triumphs over hard work. Talent and facilities also becomes pale in comparison with motivation, and to illustrate this, Dr. Sharma told his own story of success despite all odds. Although his S.L.C. percentage was around 51%, Navin Sharma proved that he was genuinely motivated to become a doctor after he topped the M.B.B.S. examinations with a percentage of 81 and managing to maintain the highest difference between the first and second positions of 6%, a record that Dr. Sharma still holds.

It was amazing to see how energetic and enthusiastic Dr. Navin Sharma was as he delivered his speech. His expressions, body language, the way he spoke, and the memorable anecdotes, jokes, and examples that embellished his speech did not leave a single person bored or distracted. The ending was as powerful as the beginning as Dr. Sharma gave the audience some final suggestions: “Don’t feel inferior. Compete. Improve yourself. Yes, you can lose your way, but never get discouraged. Be motivated.” Everybody burst into applause and cheering as Dr. Navin Sharma yelled out, “The match is not over; I will play until I win!” The cheering continued long after Dr. Sharma introduced the next speaker, Dr. Chintamani Yogi.

Published at: Year-3, Issue-4 CHELSEA WAVELENGTH

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