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  1. To register with us, please click on sign up link from
  2. Then choose the subscription plan:
    a. Free Plan (Lifetime account, access to free resources.)
    b. PreMed 2021 (For live online classes, and limited period account)
  3. Click on sign up for the plan you want to enroll. 
  4. Fill up the registration form and click the Register button.
  1. Once you registered with us, please login to my account via
  2. Go to my subscription tab and subscribe to our package and click on make payment. 
  3. Then go to payment details page, and choose payment method according to your convenience. 
  4. Once, you make a payment, sent us deposit slip or eSewa payment receipt with your email ID and username to
  5. Upon confirmation of Payment slip, we will assign you to selected subscription. 
  1. Once we verify your payment, we will assign you to selected subscription plan. 
  2. To check your subscription plan, please login and go to my-account page. Then go to subscription tab. You will see active status for your subscription. 
  3. Let us know if your subscription is not active after making payment. 
  1. If you are not sure which subscription plan to choose, then register with us using free plan.
  2. You can always change your subscription plan from account. 
  3. To change or subscribe new plan, login to account and go to subscription tab and choose the plan. 

No. You just need only one account with us. Once you register with free plan, you can subscribe to any package from subscription tab using old account. 

Once, your paid plan is expired, you will automatically assign to free plan. You can able to access all content available for free users. You can able to subscribe new plan from subscription tab. 

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